Craig F’s 1965 Chevelle Malibu

Built From The Ground Up

Craig F’s 1965 Chevelle Malibu

There’s a special place in Craig F’s heart for the 1965 Chevelle. Forty seven years ago, his first ’65 Malibu was totaled but he couldn’t let his love for ‘65s die.

His original ’65 was an Ermine White Malibu SS 2dr hardtop, 300hp 4 speed with bucket seats, but he didn’t have the best luck with it. He was part of a 5 car pileup on his wedding night that dented the trunk and gave his new bride whiplash. Then about a year and a half later, he was t-boned by a woman who ran a stop sign and it was finally over for that Malibu.

He later spent 5 years circle track racing in exclusively 1965 Chevelles before life and other responsibilities put that hobby on hold. Fast forward to the year 2017 when he discovered this 1965 Chevelle Malibu convertible in Sioux City, Iowa on Craigslist. It had been torn apart since 1999 and simply been in storage since then, the owner having lost interest in it.

Luckily for Craig, the owner finally decided to list it for sale and it was love at first sight all over again. Craig spent the next year and a half laboring over bringing it back to as close to original as possible, ultimately completing the build on the night before a local car show. Apparently, his hard work was noticed and his Malibu won the “people’s choice award” at it’s first show!

He plans to enjoy cruising Main St. with the nice simple 283 ci. 2 barrel build, possibly tinkering with some of the minor details and helping his grown son restore a 1967 F100 pickup.

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